
Description Of Our Works

Functional test, complete test, alignment work, fabrication work, modification work and spare part delivery. We can provide comprehensive solutions for all your overhead crane problems

Service Target & Our Priority

Exceed client’s expectation, exceed the industrial standard.And our mission is to provide safe and Secured lifting environment.

Through standardized, differentiated and services of value to reduce the customer's psychological cost and use cost, eventually improve the customer delivered value, profitability and purchasing power, thus CCS service brand competitiveness and lead the new trend of the service industry.

Things We Do

  • Erection and commissioning of EOT cranes.
  • Maintenance and repairing of EOT cranes.
  • Rail fixing and refurbishment of rails and cranes.
  • Emergency breakdown works
  • 24x7 work support.
  • Annual maintenance contract of EOT cranes and industrial lifting equipment.
  • Repairing and replacement of rails, EOT cranes, LT/CT drives and electrical parts.
  • Supply of all required spare parts.

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